The day started off like any other Monday. I got up twenty minutes late. Discovered I hadn’t remembered to wash any of my jeans. Then proceeded to search all over the house for a set of keys I had hidden on myself during a weekend cleaning frenzy.
By the time I finished sorting through ten garbage bags filled with coffee grounds, half-rotten vegetables, and empty wine bottles (looking for the same set of keys), I was ready to call it a day.
Oh, and did I mention I was feeling a bit under the weather? And knew I had three impossible deadlines to meet in the next three days?
Yep. Monday mornings don’t get much better around here.
When I opened my email and saw a message from Clio, the Harlequin editor I’ve been working with, asking if we could chat to go over more revisions, my reaction was the one you might expect. You know, the one where the writer collapses on the couch and whimpers, “More changes? Why, God? Why?”